So I went food shopping - and found quite an impressive drugstore/necessities/convenience store/food court/shopping mall that really isn't that far away from my place. They sell "women's hygiene products" in inconspicuous brown paper bags... And loads of candy that is supposedly healthy for you. I found the chocolate anyways :o) So now I have a place that will cook for me all week around!
The afternoon was lazy as well, so I took some fotos for you to see where I live!
The beauty station ;o)
My walkable wardrobe!
TV and Watercooker - very useful for tea or a dish of ramen if the little hunger comes along *g*
Prrrrreettty cool, don't you think :o)
And as I was surprised at just how long my hair had gotten, I took some silly shots as well:
Nice, those lazy afternoons, right? :o)
Is it bad that I really like your hair like that? Too much Pippi Longstocking, that's my problem :)
aBsOlutely lOvE ur hAIR :)
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